Friday, April 18, 2008

my ABCs

just thought i'd keep you all entertained while i procrastinate the apt post :)

A- Attached or single: attached, according to this ring on my finger

B- Best Friend: i refer to a lot of people as "best friends" -- especially britt, erica, my sis, my mom, kel

C- Cake or Pie: mmm cake for sure. especially in the form of a cup.

D- Day of Choice: usually thurs because survivor and the office are on, and i take the night off from the gym

E- Essential Item: chapstick, granola bars, computer with internet capabilities, DVR

F- Favorite Color: hot pink

G- Gummi Bears or Worms: mmm sour worms. but really if i could choose, it'd be jelly bellys.

H- Hometown: rancho cucamonga

I -Indulgence(s): cookies, home decorating, paper goods, blogging

J- January or July: july -- my bday, brandon's bday and my fave holiday (4th of july) -- we have some rockin celebrations that month

K-Kids: none yet thank you for asking...we're still arguing over decent names

L-Life is incomplete without: family, the Gospel, cookies, things to look forward to, sunshine and walks with brandon

M- Marriage Date: october 20 2006

N- Number of Siblings: 2.5 - rachel, grant, roxy (and soon to be a bro in law, jesse)

O- Oranges or Apples: oranges are barf. fuji apples are awesome

P- Phobias or Fears: somebody jumping me while i'm doing also i have major anxiety about going down a flight of stairs quickly, might have something to do with the lack of depth perception but it freaks me out. and i don't know if this counts as a phobia but i'm super insecure.

Q- Quote(s): to paraphrase: pray like everything depends on the Lord, then get up and go to work like it all depends on you - gordon b. hinckley

R- Reason To Smile: it's the weekend!

S- Season: summer all the way

T- Tag Five: angela, megan, kelly, caryn, rachel and anyone else (except natalie who did NOT tag me :( boo)

U- Unknown Fact About Me: high school i dated this great kid who went on to have a punk band and sang songs about our break up. they made like 3 cds and toured the world. we used to stalk him in rancho, and in college when he came to town he'd put me on the guest list and i got into shows for free. the band has since broken up but i still feel bad about how all that turned out. and that, kids, is why you don't date before you're 16.

V- Vegetarian or Oppressor of Animal: boo neither...unless you count eating them as oppressive...i love meat in almost any form

W- Worst Habit: being bratty to my husband

X- X-Rays or Ultrasounds: neither, never had em unless you count the dentist's x-rays

Y- Your Favorite Food: lately brinner. all time: cafe rio pork salad.


becca said...

what band??

Nat said...

awwwww make me feel bad about it, why don't you! :) Listen, missy, maybe I wanted to tag you but the y's on my keyboard are broken...(or not) OR I was trying to give others a chance...did you think about that, huh?! :) lol Puhlease forgive me!

Sami said...

I loved your abc's. I will totally be around memorial weekend. It's the last week of school. Hooray!!!Then I will retire for a little while. I can't wait. But, we should get together. Cameron is dying to meet you.

Becky @ Project Domestication said...

i love july too! i can't wait for all the festivities this year!

Becky @ Project Domestication said...

oh, I went to Coneys today...:)

Happy Family said...

I am totally with you on the Jelly Beans. And sour worms. Yum!
Kara Lanier-yes, your babysitter!

Angela and Mike said...

I love the vegetarian or oppressor question. haha. Thanks for your ABCs.

virginia said...

great post, the 4th of July rocks!