this is me, my hair lady paula and her 14ish-year-old daughter ryanne just after i chopped off all my hair. i had to show that we are all matchy-matchy...same haircut, different side parts. i guess we all have good taste right? paula has cut my hair since i was 16 and i love love love her. i saw ryann's cute hair the last time i was in...it took me a couple months to build up the courage to cut it so short, but she was there for moral support and we totally did it :)

on another note, it has been so so gorgeous in cali this weekend. those of you living in arctic states like utah are probably going to roll your eyes when i say its been freezing lately, but it has gotten pretty cold. this weekend was one of those that make me so happy to live here. we were sitting in young women today and i looked out the window and all i saw were palm trees and blue skies...it was awesome.
this afternoon brandon and i took a lovely sunday drive up to malibu to enjoy the sun. we walked on the beach and watched the waves and surfers and it was lovely.
Sounds like a perfect Sunday, I also have really enjoyed this great weather!
My kids went to find snow in the mountain today, but your photo makes me want to run to the beach. We didn't get out much last summer (since I was all barfy) and I'm missing it.
It totally HAS been beautiful, its been like 60s here. I love it. Congrats to your sister! how exciting.
cute hair!!!!j
We have recieved so much snow this year. Its crazy! So, I'm really jealous of the weather in California. The Saarland Reception was a lot of fun. Too bad you guys aren't in Utah anymore. It would have been fun to see you guys again. There were a few guys from the german mission (when alma and brandon were there). We've been talking about Disneyland in May. If we decide to go, we will have to spend some time with you guys and play siedler of course!
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