Sunday, February 24, 2008

time to catch up!

i apologize to all my loyal blog readers for the uber delay in posting...things have been crazy. without further ado, here's a recap of our last few weeks:


brandon and i decided to forego gifts this year in favor of saving for europe. we did actually get each other cards though (his to me was SO cute, and he also printed out little favor coupons from the internet -- i.e. one free night of doing the dishes, etc. -- it reminded me of an elementary school project but i thought it was adorable :). we timed our latest netflix for that night and i cooked a fantastic candlelight dinner.

the menu: indonesian ginger chicken, seasoned rice, baked veggies and lehi mill muffins (yes, they're our favorite things ever and i stock up every time i go to utah). and for dessert, i made chocolate molten lava cake from scratch! brandon said it was the best thing i've ever made -- we ate three in two days :)


saturday i went out to my parents so i could go to katie kirkland's bridal shower, which was a blast. brandon had to work the super smash bros. tournament downtown and met me there later that day. we stayed at my parents' for the long weekend and had so much fun just hanging out.

tuesday he left for san francisco to go to the game developers conference, and i left for the high desert for a motorcycle intro.

this is my sweet ride. i drove it the whole week and had to do lots of five-point turns :)

this is where the track was located. while driving out there i felt like i was going to the middle of nowhere where the mafia shoots you and leaves you for the vultures. but it was fun.

and this is me freezing my butt off in 55 mph winds.

after my event ended on friday i returned to my parents house to stay for this weekend also, since brandon wouldn't be home till sunday and i didn't want to be by myself. i got tickets to the nascar race (from one of my super nice colleagues) and we tried to go to the nationwide race but it was rained out :( that place has some awesome views though.

today after church i drove home and we are finally finally back together. i can't wait to get back into the normal routine and back to regular life.


Becky @ Project Domestication said...

lots of fun stuff. your job sounds great, actually both of your jobs do. they sound very diversified. :) I love your candle holders. where did you get them!? Also, you should post that recipe for the looks so good!

Emily said...

Sounds like a blast! I wish my job had more variety!

Brandon and Erica said...

Yes, you were much missed.
And, I even checked your blog everyday even though I knew you were gone. I thought somehow, you might have been able to sneak away from your BUSY A-list life, and blog to your B-world friends. (hmm...don't know if those letters make much sense).
Anywho...your week sounded so much fun! And, even more fun that you could just go stay with your parents for the weekends.
Also, I think it is unfair that you post about your delicious meal/dessert, but you don't include the recipes.
Post-script: please post.

Angela and Mike said...

Yes, I have TOTALLY noticed that you've been gone. I'm pretty sure I got one email from you all last week...I was dying! Welcome back. I'm glad you had a good Valentine's. That Meal sounds awesome, good job on that. I'm also glad that your event went well eventhough it was windy :). Write me at work!

David and Wendy Pendergrass said...

Hi Lyndsey! i stumbled on your blog from natalie's sight and was so excited to see that it was the Lyndsey i was thinking of! I had fun browsing your blog! Your magazine article was the coolest ever and your life truly sounds like a blast right now! It was great to catch up on your life!

Wendy (Poppleton)

Megan said...

Oooo! That cake looks SO yummy! It sounds fancy... was it hard to make?

Nat said...

just thought i'd let you know that you look pretty good freezing your butt off at 55 mph... :)