so you know. i'm just ONE full week overdue now...but we're still hanging in there. see above photo, taken yesterday outside of snooze [becca i seriously owe you...that place rocked my face off. my strawberry shortcake french toast / b's triple pancake plate including bacon and caramel sauce were off the hook] -- can you tell i'm a little over-ripe?
i'm not feeling overly impatient or anything, but it would be nice to get this show on the road. though at this point i can kind of no longer visualize actually HAVING a baby because i've been thinking about it so long...and getting nothing...that i still disbelieve it will happen. in the meantime i've had quite the productive week -- mom and i have crossed everything off my denver bucket list, so this week might get a little boring if there's still no baby.
maybe i'll blog about our activities soon, but not tonight because i am tired. so please hold and look forward to my next post, which will either include the crazy excitement of colorado springs OR of a new baby. because they are both equally as thrilling :)
Dang it! I saw that you'd posted and was just SURE that it was to announce a baby. Hang in there. You've beat me out in overdue-ness. Sorry dude.
I'm rather jealous you went to Snooze! I'm going to get there one of these days...
You look great, by the way. Not many 41 week pregnant girls can say that!
glad you liked it!!!
i can't believe you are a WEEK late! ugh.
bless ur heart! now go get some SLEEP! ur gonna need to stash some zzzz's somewhere or they may get lost in the hustle and bustle of baby wells!
July 12th, 2010 = coolest day EVER.
Seriously, hands down.
Pretty sure your B doesn't need to buy you a bday gift now ;)
And PS: holy crap! You are the cutest overdue pregnant mommy I have EVER seen. Nice work, friend!
Looks like you're sharing birthdays afterall! Hope everything goes smoothly with the delivery. Can't wait to see pics!
You are the CUTEST pregnant girl!!! One week over, huh... the little guy will be coming soon now! Yaaaaay!
strip. those. membranes!!!
snooze.... best place ever!!!!!!!
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