a.) let's just get the jack-cuteness out of the way first. i don't think he really knows how to control much of his body yet but he does the greatest stuff. for example, frequent smiling [see above]. this morning he was squawking about something and i said "what are you telling me?" and he turned his head, smiled at me and then stuck out his tongue. it was the most adorable thing i've ever seen. sometimes i stick my tongue out at him and then he does it right back. i don't know if this is intentional but i'm going with it.
b.) wednesday was b's birthday!! happy birthday, b. i got him a portable grill [which he LOVED -- thanks for the tip leandra :) ] and made him chocolate-covered bacon. he liked the grill better. i made his favorite dinner and then we went to target. a pretty low-key birthday, but a better celebration than the one on july 12 -- not counting our little present-baby. and thus ends birthday month.
c.) just wanted to say a few words about the hospital where i delivered jack, since it's referenced in the previous post. i found sky ridge just by googling, way before we moved here, and then found out my OB delivered there so it seemed like a good fit -- little did i know. we moved here and realized the hospital was literally five minutes from our apartment -- we can see it across the freeway -- and i fell in love when we took our birthing class there.
i really just can't say enough good about it. my nurses were amazing, my delivery & recovery rooms were private and super nice [even with a bed for b so he could stay the night], i got room service for every meal. one afternoon an elderly volunteer came by and brought me a congratulatory tea party complete with cookies and eclairs. even though i'd been hoping to do a 24-hour stay, we chose to stay two nights because i needed a little more recovery time and the nurses helped me a ton with learning to feed jack -- and it was worth every penny.
this isnt the biggest deal or anything, but i was so grateful to deliver in such a good place. it was definitely nerve-wracking to move to a new state when i was 7 months pregnant and not know anything about where i'd have him or what i'd do, so ending up with the comfort of sky ridge was a huge blessing to me.
d.) my sister made jacko the cutest little hat:

she is freakishly talented. so far she's made him a couple of hats, footy pajamas, stuffed animals, booties + mittens [which came in major handy when he kept scratching up his face] and a bunch of other stuff. if you want her to make you something let me know -- her rates are cheap :)
e.) i've eaten my weight in oreo ice cream over the past week. mmmm. [thanks for bringing it jill -- you are definitely making it harder to lose the baby bod ;) ]
I'm obsessed. He is so cute. I bet he TOTALLY is intentionally sticking his tongue out at you. One day you'll be saying "Jack, don't stick your tongue out...that's not nice." haha. I love the hat. WOW, your sister is the best aunt ever!
So much cuteness!!! The hat, the smile... ah! I just exploded. (I'm so impressed that you managed to capture one of those spontaneous newborn smiles with your camera. We never got one with Weston!)
Also, your hospital sounds fabulous. I never got a tea party at Huntington, so I think I'm going to demand that whenever I have another baby. :-)
Jack is just adorable--i can't get enough of him really. And I love the stories--sticking out his tongue at you is just amazing! love it!
Congrats Lindsay! I love all your birthing photos and your little man is the sweetest!! The tongue sticking out thing is supercute!
opps.. sorry.I have been doing the same thing with some cookies that a friend brought over. I have no self-control and I could never just throw them out like some friends of mine do.
Amen to your sky ridge section. I love them. I wish I were there right now.....
And Jack is to die for!!!
That little hat is the cutest. Well, I guess second to the baby.
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