Monday, June 25, 2007

sad day

i don't like to waste things. there was a small chunk of margarine, still in its wrapper, in my fridge. tonight for dinner i made these fiesta panini sandwiches (which brandon hated...but that's another story) and i wanted to butter the outside of the bread, so i got out that piece of margarine to use it up before i got into the butter.

this was my first mistake. i have married into a decidedly NO-MARGARINE family. i'm not kidding. brandon abhors margarine. my MIL is so intently pro-butter that she brought her own to a fathers day brunch. she says she gags if she tastes it on anything. i have tested brandon before and made things with margarine and he can't tell the difference. but don't tell him that.

anyway, the marg was a little hard from being in the fridge. so i put it on a plate and stuck it in the microwave for 10 seconds. yes, margarine wrappers are foil.

i should have learned the whole no-metal-in-the-microwave bit when i was 12, when i tried to slightly defrost a frozen capri sun. i had never seen blue fireworks like that before.

until today.

metal + microwave = fire

my poor little plate. :(

see that black line in the middle? that is a burn, permanently etched into my great little plate. i am sad.


Stephanie said...

hahaha...the joys of cooking!!! Don't you love it?

Angela and Mike said...

haha, I do that same thing..except I always leave a fork in the microwave with whatever soup I'm warming up. I love that Brandon's family DOESN'T eat margarine. I used to not notice when I had skim milk until my mom said so...then i would proceed to freak out, "ewww...skim milk. I knew it tasted weird." I think it's all mental.