Thursday, June 28, 2007

medical update

so we have this problem in our apartment. invisible bugs continuously and voraciously feed on my skin. it's hard to say if they are everywhere and are eating brandon too and maybe his body just doesn't react to them like mine does, or if they are truly zeroing in on only me.

i have always had problems with bug bites though. at girls camp i got bit on the shoulder and it swelled up like a baseball. i'm not joking. i wish i had a picture of that. another time in summer we were in utah sitting out by the pool and when i got home i had nine bites on my back -- and no one else out there had any. normally i'm pretty good...they itch like crazy but i never itch them till they bleed or become infected or anything.

so for the past few months i have been ATTACKED. i have fourteen bites at this moment in various stages of itchiness, but i swear to you i have had more than 30 since oh, say, march.

one morning i woke up and one of the bites had grown a huge disgusting blister and was all swelled up.

of course i totally freaked out. (wouldn't you?) i went to the doctor who didn't tell me anything i didn't know and wrote me a prescription for anti-itch cream that i have yet to fill.

i was thinking it was something in our bed so we washed ALL of our bedding and dusted, swept and vacuumed our whole room (dang hardwood floors are hard to clean). i also stopped using this sunless tanning lotion i had been experimenting with because the bites seemed to be popping up in the areas i applied it...all on my arms, lower legs and feet.
things were better for a little while. and then they weren't. that was when seven popped up on my back. let's just say i constantly itch. and it SUCKS.
now i feel itchy. i did see some a little bug land on my foot today so i'm sure more bites will pop up. if anyone has suggestions on anti-itch cream, bug spray, how to de-bug your home, etc. i would love to hear it.

as if that's not traumatic enough for my skin, i spent a day outside at toyota HQ for analyst day and came home looking like this, thanks to a combination of the sun, my pasty cubicle-dweller skin and a bracelet i had been wearing. i'm peeling a little on my arms now.
i swear i keep feeling bugs on my legs. maybe i'm going crazy. but that's the latest update from the body of lyndsey...hope you enjoyed. :(


Stephanie said...

Man...that's gross! I wonder if you have bed bugs?? Although...I don't really think those itch. Whatever it is I hope that you get it all figured out.

Angela and Mike said...

Crazy! I don't know girl. I have bug bites but I think it's because I've been outside a lot recently. You must be SO sweet and so they love you :) I wish the doctor would've actually tried to figure out what's wrong...

Lacey said...

I'm so sorry about your whole bite problem. I don't get them like that but when mosquitos are out, they attack me and they get swollen. So I have some understanding of what you are going through. I do itch them until they bleed.