Tuesday, March 15, 2011

just hanging out

here's an update on march.

march is busy because april is going to be even busier. april 16 is my half marathon and april 22 is b's graduation. lotssss of things need to happen before those get here though, and in the meantime i'm getting a little tired of running [and job hunting, for that matter]. i'm excited for the race, but all these long weekly runs are becoming tedious.

in case you were wondering, i ran 10 miles on saturday. TEN! wow. i am really not one of those people who can nonchalantly tell you that i did something monumental but act like it's no big deal...i am seriously amazed that I actually ran 10 miles and i want the world to know it. pretty big deal. [but not that big because this weekend i have to run 11.] special thanks to fall out boy & sugarland for pumping me up and power bar for feeding me at the end. i also stashed a vitamin water halfway along my course, drank some and left the bottle for a later pickup. such fun tricks you learn as a runner!

the weather has been SO nice lately and i am so excited for spring. as much as i dislike actual seasons, i will say that enduring winter makes you appreciate spring and summer a lot more. jack and i have been taking advantage of the sunshine with long walks, trips to the park and playing on the grass. and, last week, daddy took him up to visit the utes football team, who are currently enduring spring practice up at rice-eccles stadium. jack had fun...exhibit a:

the monkey is becoming quite an efficient army-crawler. he goes really fast if he's motivated by something like a plate of brownies (don't worry, he didn't get to taste them) but typically only scoots around a few feet at a time. and then he likes to take a break by posing like a swimsuit model, and it is SO cute. see exhibit b:

and exhibit c, just cause i love this little face:

hope your march is fun too!


Lori and Matt said...

10 miles... very impressive! and i'm with you, the job hunt sucks!

Anonymous said...

He's so cute!

Angela and Mike said...

SO CUTE, even if there are Utah football players in the background :) You have to make sure you represent BYU to him too Lyndsey, that's YOUR job :)

I can't believe he's moving! Now you can realize why I was so concerned when my 12 month old didn't NOT roll over and couldn't scoot or get into a sitting position or anything.

and 10 miles is AWESOME! You ROCK! You deserve to brag.

Brandon and Erica said...

I love everything about this post...seriously. But especially the part where you say you ran 10 miles, and you even call yourself "a runner". Amazing..who would have thought that our old Rex Lee Running days would warp you into a full-blown 1/2 Marathoner? You, my friend, amaze me.

Also, love the part in the post where you include a couple shots of your little Sports Illustrated Swimsuit-Edition model :) He is too cute for words...and it makes me wonder if you ever get any pictures where he ISN'T flashing that cute little grin.

So much I want to write, maybe we should just meet. I stalk your twitter/FB/blog/all social media in hopes that I will catch some info on your cool new happenings with your new client. NOTHING. Can't find a single thing.
