the big news you've all been so anxiously waiting for: brandon got a new job!! he is the newest account executive on the nintendo team at golinharris.
yes, i said golinharris. yes, that is my current workplace. no, i do not work directly with the nintendo team. we aren't even on the same floor. but yes, it is true -- brandon and i will now be co-workers.
first, a little background. let me make it quite clear that i had nothing to do with this at all. one of our mutual friends, a BYU grad on the nintendo team, ran into brandon at an awards dinner a few weeks ago and was telling him how they were looking hard for new people and said he should send in his resume. they then wanted to interview him, which caused many deep what-if discussions in the payzant-wells household, but ultimately we decided to just go for it and see what happens. bottom line: they loved him and made him a fantastic offer, and he accepted last week.
while this does have all the immediate drawbacks (like, for starters, it might be a little weird to work with all the same people as my husband, and that we'll go to the one and same christmas party every year, and that probably everyone will be trying to catch us in some awkward PDA moment -- which will NOT happen), this situation really allows us to reap unlimited benefits.
i'm sure you can all guess that a job change means you get paid more. :) not to mention he will be working on a great account for a great client. on a personal note, who WOULDN'T want to commute and go to lunch with their husband every day?
but besides that, really his job in santa monica was the only thing tying us to the west side. now that we will both be working in downtown, a VERY public-transportation-friendly area, our housing options have just exploded tenfold. glendale, pasadena, even rancho cucamonga are all possibilities for us when our renewed contract is up in march. (for those of you who aren't los angeles residents, this means we can get a WAY nicer, way newer place for so much cheaper than we are paying now.) so i guess it was actually a huge blessing for us not to be able to find a new place a few months ago when we were looking. everything always works out for the best.
i am not very good with sudden changes or life-altering moves, but so far i'm handling this one pretty well, due to all the aforementioned reasons. it all happened so fast and worked out so perfectly, even i cannot say it wasn't meant to be. i think the best things in life are these opportunities that you can't plan for or even think up yourself, but when they fall in your lap you just take them and run with it and life can only get better.