Wednesday, March 26, 2008


so i have some things to tell. these aren't your average everyday confessions, like that today i bought my third bag of peanut butter m&ms for the week (come on, if everything in your work vending machine cost 25 cents, you would too) or that i sadly sadly forgot to tivo american idol last night (don't worry, i already saw david cook on youtube). okay, here we go.

first of all...i accidentally left some broccoli in the fridge at work like two weeks ago. i remembered it today and dumped it out in the trash and it SMELLED. then i put the tup tup back in the fridge so i could bring it home today. when i went back in the kitchen around 3 p.m. on my daily snack pilgrimage, the whole place totally reeked. one of my co workers was in there and said "geez, doesn't it smell in here?" and i said "uh...yes. that's gross. maybe it's the trash can?" thinking maybe i could help solve the problem without being guilty. i even volunteered to email the office manager to let her know of the problem (still trying to right my wrong here, but i was still embarassed). she wrote us back and said it's not the trash, it's the fridge, and they're getting a clean up crew together to fix it. LOL. too bad i ended up forgetting the tup AGAIN so it's still fermenting in the fridge. yucky.

okay, now for the good one. last night i gave blood at a stake blood drive, and i recognized this one girl in there. i had never met her before in my life -- i recognized her from blog stalking! she's a friend-of-a-friend (only once removed, so i guess it's not that bad), i can't even tell you which friend because it could be YOU. i tried not to stare at her but it was like running into a celebrity, i was so excited. i read her blog because i think she and her husband are really hip and cool, so it's only natural that i was intrigued.

so i gave my blood and saw her and her husband sitting at the recovery table, and after i was done i went over and sat near them and we struck up a conversation. too bad i got up too fast (i was also recovering from another migraine) and almost threw up all over myself (and i can't even tell you how quickly my first thought was NO! not in front of the blog friends!)...this girl helped me stand up and put me back into one of the recliner chairs. (the blood people made me lay down for another 30 min. and drink 8 oz. of water, and i was nauseous all night long and barely slept, but that's another story) brandon came and sat with me and the four of us chatted some more...i tried to be interested in what she was saying but really i already knew all about them, what they both do for a living, where they live etc. in fact i probably could have told THEM things about themselves that they barely know. freaky, yes?

this was my first in-person blog-stalking experience. i didn't let on at all...i didn't even tell brandon until we were in the car. he thought i should have said something (while toning down the stalker part of course) but i tried to explain to him that this whole blog-stalking phenomenon is still in the beginner phases, and that society hasn't decided yet if it's okay to share that info or if it's just creepy. so i'm still holding out. but let me tell you, i felt so sleuthy and secretive. it was awesome.

so because those two hilariously awkward things have happened in the past 24 hours, i had to share. i feel so much better now :) what do you think? should i have fessed up (in either instance)?


becca said...

in my google reader i have a feed labeled "stalk."

i love david cook.

Brandon and Erica said...

Okay. I am so glad you confessed publicly. I was glad I already knew about your blog-stalker...but the broccoli? That's gross. And delightfully hilarious.

What if your new "blog" friend secretly was stalking you too?! What if she had linked to your blog through your mutual friend, and now she's reading this post thinking, "Wow! She stalks me too?"
That would only be awesome.

Angela and Mike said...

haha, that's funny. I love that you pretended like you didn't know what was going on with the fridge. Nasty. haha. I work work fridges...there are aways creepy things in there! I love the stalk story...if you guys become good friends, you should tell her.

Jill said...

Do I know them? I ask only because he designed the Blood Drive posters...

Jill said...

By the way, I'm finally going to add you to my blog list so i don't have to go through several others' just to spy on you. There. I've confessed.

Emily said...

haha! This Sunday, we got new Young Adult Leaders, the Holmes. I discovered their son and daughter-in-laws blog awhile ago and loved it and so I check it periodically and so when i saw them on Sunday I ended up telling them. They thought nothing of it and told their daughter-in-law. She was flattered and so you never know! Not to mention, I found your blog through Michelle's because I thought you were funny and I enjoyed reading your stories. Blogging has created so many new opportunities for friendships!

kenny said...

PS-I may have "outed" you ...sorry.

A | E said...

It was nice meeting you too.