the house doesn't really look like this anymore because i have actually made some packing progress (haven't started on the kitchen scares me), but here's a last look at our very first married apartment:

this is our window. we're in the front of the know, so we can hear all the sirens and car alarms that much better. please note the bars.

front room. not going to lie, i have loved the high ceilings, arched doorways and taupe paint job.

"entertainment center." this is what you get if you aren't ready to buy a big tv. you'll also notice the peeling paint on our heater...a little cracks off every time we run it, which is often since it's cold and we have no insulation :)

my big roomie kitchen. with great tile countertops. i shall miss you.

the bedroom with the panels i made from material in the garment district. i love crafts.
onto bigger and better...and whiter walls :(
I feel for you, packing SUCKS! Though packing for a move to Pasadena is slightly more tolerable :) If you need any help, give me a holla!
So...I am very impressed with your ex-apartment. Seriously. I noted the barred windows...but they were very deceiving once you took us inside. I felt like I was watching an episode of "Cribs....on Hauser".
And, I am also glad that you are not packing, but instead blogging. Good choice.
I have now decided that I will never post pictures of our apartment, after seeing your cute decorated place. And, did I mention that our entertainment center also serves as Brandon's desk? Yeah. I know.
I LOVE your bedroom stuff. It's hard leaving your first apartment. I remember Mike and I being a little sad. You will LOVE your next apartment though, I'm so excited for you. Hopefully your new one doesn't have bars :)
Hi! We're just blog hopping, and came upon your blog! We noticed you are friends with some of our former clients, and would like to invite you and your family into our office to receive a 3D/4D ultrasound! We look forward to seeing you! Thanks!
so sad.....
I LOVED that apartment and I didn't even live in it (well I did sleep there once hehe). I am happy for you guys! and don't get freaked out or stressed!!! remember change is GOOD- its an exciting adventure!! =)
love you seesta!
Good luck with the move...and I LOVED your broccoli story!
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