each of the dance groups at byu participate in the show -- folk dance, ballroom, ballet, modern, etc etc. however, i recall that while i was a student the cougarettes were in it too and they were my FAVE...so i was disappointed that they weren't part of the show this year :(
regardless, the show was great. i was seriously reconsidering my decision to attend during the first half of the show, watching b squirm in his seat half the time [he is not a fan of male ballet dancers' tights] and watching boring kooky dance numbers the rest of the time. but, all was redeemed at the end due to a fantastic indian number -- i've always been a fan of bollywood movies and this song was right up my alley. [it was actually a song off bride and prejudice -- a movie that sayid from lost is in, randomly. the dude's got moves...watch the music video here :) ]
annnnyway. before the show we had some delicious jdawgs hot dogs for dinner. mmmm i love them. special sauce, onions, pickles, mustard, ketchup.

he was a happy boy:

we watched a really cool storm roll in over the mountains...

then we headed over to campus and saw a rainbow! we also saw these guys from the sword & quill club [similar to medeval times], practicing for their next dragon slaying no doubt. so i had to get them in the photo too :) classic byu.

we took a picture to document the moment. my myspace self-portrait shots are seriously lacking these days [sorry, half of b's face].

then we headed over to the byu bookstore to load up on candy for the show. i worked at the bookstore during my senior year of college as a cashier...it was the BEST job ever. mostly i just read books and occasionally helped people check out. plus i got a discount. anyway, it was kinda weird to be back in my old haunt.

then it was the show, and then we came home to watch the season premieres of the office and survivor [both of which were fantastic]. it was a great date night...for provo, i guess :)
Your dark hair is so cute! I'm just now noticing it!
First of all...look how CUTE you are. Love the outfit. Love the hair. You need to take me shopping when I'm in Utah.
Things I must do while in Utah:
1) J dawgs
2) Kneaders French Toast
3) See you
Fun date!
I LOVE Bride and Prejudice. Thanks for reminding me of what a great show that is. And I loved to cocoa story. Glad that life stays exciting.
What a great date night, complete with dancing and a rainbow!! Yaaaay. Your outfit is SO CUTE. Love it!!!
You don't think you'll miss Provo but I am a little jealous I love the world of dance!
JDawgs. Yum.
I love Fall in Utah. That rainbow must have been something spectacular because I saw the exact same one on a couple other Provo-ite's blogs!
Your hair looks awesome! it suits you!
What a fun night out! After all this moving, I think I deserve one! I will have to talk to Brian about that :)
wow! it's totally sayid! i watched that movie so long ago.
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