oh yeah, and it was my half-birthday too. ha. definitely had to continue the half-cupcake tradition so we got cupcakes from a bakery here in town and had a party!

birthday twins!:

yeah, don't worry, jack's just sucking on a bottle of baby tylenol. [the lid is screwed on of course. come on people! i'm not THAT bad of a mother.] he got to celebrate the milestone with a round of shots at the doctor, so he was a little grumpy and went to bed right after cupcakes were over.
check the other blog for more on those hats and how i'm a failure at crafting.
do you and jack share a birthday? that's so awesome! happy half!
I think you are totally crafty! YOU are right up there with the BEST of them..Totally!
DO you have a tutorial you can link me how to make them LIKE yours Step by Step ....I checked Martha's out, but I LOVE yours way better~!
Facebook me info..
Between naps of course :) LOL
Happy halfsies!
Yah for half bdays--where did the past 6 months fly? I can't wait to meet him! I hope he's excited!
Happy half-birthday, little man!!! Oh my goodness, he is so cute and happy. I love those hats! And don't worry, Weston always chewed on the infant Tylenol bottle. I loved how soft and rubbery the top was!
cute tradition!!!
I love the hats and I love how you both were bursting with smiles while wearing your cool hats. Here's to the next 6 months!!
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