Wednesday, August 5, 2009

new job

today was so. so. so. great. i LOVE my new job. looooove. i can't even believe i'm getting paid for this stuff -- playing with and talking / learning about a subject i already adore. i told b, this job almost makes it worth it that we had to move to utah. almost.

then i got home and my little house-husband had made me a delicious meal of chicken quesadillas, chips and grapes. he found the recipe online and chopped up seasoned chicken breast, onions, green peppers and cheese. he is so cute.

i'd say today was a pretty good day.


Laura & Eliza said...

congrats!!! how fun for u!

Chelsea said...

I am so glad that you are enjoying your job! It seems like a pretty sweet one. And while Ryan was studying for his CPA exam he stayed at home while I worked... I must say I enjoyed his cooking a ton better than mine. I wish I were in Utah so I could see you again!

jess and lacy said...

wahoo! I am glad you love your job!

dietcokegrrl said...

So glad the new job is so great! Nothing better than doing something you totally love.

2x2momma said...

I am so happy and so jealous of your new job! You are totally living in the high life in ute. I am totally going to see 500 days now.. your review just made it official.

dana said...

sounds like the perrrfect day. yippee! glad you're liking the new job.