Wednesday, June 25, 2008


omg. that's really the only word i have right now, thanks to this trip. i could start probably 12 different horror screenplays from the place i'm staying right now -- we're talking bates motel, middle of nowhere, no outdoor lighting, it's been a long day so i tried to go to sleep at 12:00 a.m. but of course couldn't because my brain was telling me it was 9:00 i woke up and decided to read blogs etc. until i felt tired (i have to get up at 7 a.m. so i wanted to assimilate to the time change asap) and GOOD THING I DID because i was just sitting here watching scrubs on youtube and saw a THREE INCH crawly, multi-legged little worm crawling on my bed!!!!!!!! YUCK!!! i HATE bugs. hate hate hate. especially when they're on my BED. i freaked out, jumped up and grabbed three kleenex (pausing only to take a picture for the blog of course -- it'll be up here this weekend :), picked it up, squished it, threw it in the trash can, and then dumped the contents of the trash can in the toilet and flushed, just in case. bleccchhh. how am i supposed to sleep NOW?? (1:20 a.m., if you're keeping up.)

and just because i will never sleep and feel chatty but i have no cell reception, i will tell you about the rest of my day. got off to a great start when last night my sleepy, post-yoga brain decided to set my alarm for 6:30 a.m. -- the time i was supposed to leave for the airport, not wake up! i showered and threw on clothes and booked it to the burbank airport but luckily made it. oh and another highlight -- at least one thing kept me entertained: the fact that erik estrada was on my originally scheduled flight.

i looked him up on imdb but didn't recognize a lot of his stuff (besides CHiPs and his lizzie mcguire cameo of course)...i swear he did a cameo on scrubs or arrested development once. anyone help me out?

then i learned my flight to san fran was delayed so i'd miss my connection to atlanta, the only flight out today, so i rerouted to denver to either make stand by for a 1:30 p.m. flight or wait till my newly scheduled 6:30 flight, which would get me in at 11:30 (and now i'm kind of wishing i had). luckily i got the stand by, made it to atlanta (which is very hot, wooded and full of waffle houses and chik-fil-a's...that's really all i know about it so far), picked up the rental car and drove here. to the scary place with bugs and no sleep.

and that is all. now i'm even more uneasy and really have never wanted to see an embassy suites more in my lifetime. eek...let's just say i've said a lot of prayers today, and i think that will continue.


dana said...

Okay, that hotel sounds um...dreamy. freaky! Can't wait to hear more (and see pictures of gross bugs).
I think Erik Estrada has spent the later part of his career doing latin I love me a good CHiPs episode!

dietcokegrrl said...

Oh man!! So sorry!! Yikes--I hate bugs. And dealing with the lame airlines.

Let's hope things get better for the rest of the trip...if not, I can't wait to to hear more!!! heehee

Stephanie said...

Oh man! I so feel for you. I have had plenty bad experiences with nasty hotel rooms. I hate hotels now. I hate bed bugs and roaches!!! Nasty. Now yours...that is just gross.

Tyson said...

Oh Lyndsey, come on, it's not that bad. You are just getting a taste of my wonderfully suprising, bug filled, southern-drawling mission!Now you will see what I dealt with for two years. Actually, you are staying in an area that was in my second district. Great place and the people are...well...interesting! Just make sure to drop a few y'alls and sample some grits and the southern hospitality and I promise you will survive. Oh and say hello for me if you pass through seven month home!

Angela and Mike said...

Yikes, that bug sounds horrifying! haha, I would've loved to have seen you at girls camp as a teenager.

Make it home safely!

virginia said...

OH boy!

Brandon and Erica said...

Were you in GA all by your lonesome? I was under the impression that you would have a chauffer.

AND...disgusting about the spiders. But courageous and strong about the kleenex heroism.

Hope you arrive back safely!


Tara said...

Lyndsey I used to be crazy for Erik Estrada when I was younger! My best friend and I used to argue over who we thought was cuter - Ponch or John. :-)...Yes, I'm getting old...