so with all my fave shows currently between seasons (except jon & kate, still going strong -- did anyone catch the hair transplant episode?? i almost puked when they cut off that strip of skin from his head) i've been searching for new stuff. then i heard that a fellow byu alum, kelsey nixon, was going to be on "the next food network star." i never actually knew her but we were comms majors at the same time and have mutual friends, and who am i to not support a fellow mormon AND cougar??
so brandon and i tuned in to the first few episodes and at first i was definitely non-plussed. it's definitely not the highest-quality reality show out there (nothing compared to my beloved project runway, returning JULY 16!! woo!), not to mention that kelsey's overcaffeinated TV-cheerleader personality really bugged me at first. apparently it bothered the judges as well because last week they basically told her she was annoying -- and this week she toned it down and i actually really liked her. now i must admit i'm getting sucked in -- i do think kelsey could win and i'm fully rooting for her. and i think i will continue to watch that dumb show. you should too (come on, support the mormons) -- sunday nights on food network :)
I just set-up my tivo for a season pass five minutes before you posted! Thanks for all the back-gossip. Now I feel like I haven't missed a thing! :)
And I'm SUPER excited that PR is coming on the 16th. Bravo knows how to do it right!
I will have to watch it too...I remember her from the dorms. I'm glad he toned down the crazy personality. haha.
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