the founder of golinharris, al golin, turned 80 yesterday, and to celebrate all of our offices around the world helped out in their respective community. cool idea, no? the l.a. office went to the los angeles regional food bank for the afternoon.
first we got to take a tour of the facility -- they move about 3,000 pounds of food a month to needy people in the county. thus the warehouse looked like a costco:

me & jeanette, thoroughly enjoying our outing:

this was our tour guide, mike:

then we got to work. we sorted food to be handed out -- getting rid of expired food, anything with peanuts, certain brands, etc. etc. and saving the rest to be donated. it was surprisingly strenuous work but we had fun -- sure beats sitting behind a desk!
anne, candace & kelly sorting food. i'm going to miss my work friends:

b had the arduous job of moving boxes so the rest of us could sort. if you haven't noticed, the PR industry is made up of tons of girls -- so he comes in handy when we lack male support. plus i think he is cute:

highlight of the day: we sorted through about 25 cases of matzah [apparently even kosher stores donate food] and in one of them we found this amazing prize -- a matzah-man!

awesome! we had fun and it was nice to help out -- such a good cause.
then i went home, ate an otter pop, and went straight to our church. we hosted an auction fundraiser to get money so our teenagers can go to church camp this summer -- everyone donated stuff and then others could bid.
the wells family donated a yamaha/ogio backpack, a bunch of video games and some handmade cards. in return, i made off with a jar of homemade salsa, "about a boy" and -- the BEST -- a customized set of 50 letterpressed cards. it's almost embarassing how little i paid for all of this, in comparison to retail value...but my money [and these services] all went toward yet another good cause. i got home at 10 p.m. and was wiped out -- but at least it was a good, helpful kind of wiped out :)
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