almost all my real-life friends post regular updates on their kids, including their recent milestones, likes and dislikes, etc. that's all well and good for them. but, since i don't have any kids i decided i would write an update post about b :)
b joined a flag football team at byu. he doesn't really love it because, as he constantly tells me, he just "really wants to tackle someone." sorry, buddy -- hands-off policy at the Y. but, it's the closest thing he'll get to achieving his dream of playing college football.
[picture taken last night, when i showed up for only the last five minutes of his game:]

b is busy busy with school, but it's manageable. he stays on campus from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. every day, then comes home to eat dinner and hang out with me for a little while before heading into our little office to study. second bedrooms are so convenient! if they weren't also so expensive in LA, i'm sure i would have discovered this long ago.
his favorite class is marketing. his least favorite is accounting. this is funny because it's the FOURTH accounting class he's taken in the past two years. you'd think he'd like it by now.
b has been interviewing with tonsssss of companies all over the country, trying to get an idea of where he'd like to intern next summer. basically we could end up anywhere. i'm voting for germany :)
this is b's favorite time of year: football season. he obsessively reads football blogs every day and enjoys our new ottoman for 4 - 5 hours each saturday, watching parts of the USC, BYU and Utah football games. too bad none of those teams are doing very well.
even though b is so busy, he still makes time for date nights, dinners out, tv time, and my favorite: couch chats. my favorite thing since we got married is just to lay on the couch and talk. he's good at allowing me my daily brandon time :) he ALSO still makes time to do his chores -- dishes, bathroom and making the bed. all my least favorites.
b taped a whole marathon of "band of brothers" and watches it regularly. i usually do not participate because my heart is still wounded from 9/11 and a late-night showing of boy in the striped pajamas. i think i'm too sensitive to media. [if you want to cry, rent the pajama movie. i bawled for 10 minutes after it ended.]
it's like 40 degrees outside. b came home from a study group and made me a mug of his world-famous homemade hot chocolate. he is my favorite boy. and probably the only person who could make me move to utah :)
great pic of B.
I was wounded from The Boy in Striped Pajamas too. And funny thing....I just added Band of Brothers to our Netflix queue today! I guess I'll have to check the tivo schedule first!
Cute visit from your mom.
Hooray for excellent meals!
And super hooray for a new ottoman. Yipee!
Awww, that is so sweet!! And that is the FUNNIEST picture of your hubster EVER. Hahaha... he's a sport. :-)
I'll keep my fingers crossed for Germany! (or something equally rock-awesome!)
gotta love the intramurals--especially the cold ones
Great idea to update the status of the husband instead of a baby - I'll have to keep that in mind :)
Germany would be AWESOME. Chris is doing school through the army so for 4 years after he graduates we could be anywhere in the world. He's learning German cuz he wants to go there for his 4 years. So maybe we'll see you there or something!
Chris cleans the bathroom too! We're so mean :)
I don't do war movies. Whenever Chris watches Band of Brothers, I'm outta there.
Hope you're gearing up for a long and cold winter. That's the hardest part of living in Utah I think. But the mountains look pretty when they're white!
Awwww how cute that he's on a team now. Team Sports are so fun to watch (i am so unsporty, so playing is not an option for me, hehehe).
Awww that couch time sounds nice. Me and my B do something similar, but we sprawl out on the carpet in the middle of the room and talk there. Fun times.
Cute post!
I don't know if you can ever REALLY like accounting...no matter how many classes you've taken.
Don't you just love the excitement of a 2nd bedroom! Since we've moved I feel like life just becomes so easy when there is an extra room.
I'm crossing my fingers for Germany...love that country!
I'm keeping my fingers crossed for Germany!!
I LOVE the update on your boy! See, isn't it fun to write and read about people's families? B is great. Probably the reason I told him many years ago "You should date Lynds...she is cool." To that he responded with, "umm...I actually am!" haha, and to think your relationship started off so secret!
Good job b for making you hot chocolate. I have one more thing to say...
Today is OCT 1st :)
you are hilarious. you'll have to tell us how you get him to do his chores so well ;)
Wow! Germany! That would be RAD.
ps. I signed up for EK's online class. not as good as talking to her in PERSOn, but, still... gotta take what I can get.
Heck yes you get your own Squeeze and Scoop date when you roll into town!!! The picture of B is priceless! I wish I could get Brett to pose like that. Awesome.
K, Ky told me about you, and how you moved to Utah and that we need to be friends, so I wandered over to your blog, and I just have to say.... I absolutely HATE the boy in the stripped pajamas!!!!!!!!!!! Hate it hate it hate it. As soon as it ended, I turned to my husband and said that was the worst movie I've ever seen. Not uplifting at all!! (I know it isn't meant to be, considering what it is about, but seriously!?!) And then I made him put a Disney movie on after so I could stop thinking about what happened!!
Hope you are enjoying Provo!! Have you gone to Kneaders yet?? Delish... Also, the Malt Shoppe on University Ave. has really yummy shaved ice. I heart the China Man Hat. (Even though it is starting to get freezing, it's still so good!)
loved it! Reading about your B is just as fun as reading about babys ;-)...even though it WOULD be fun to read about both. But, you know.
Good update, glad to hear he is finding things to do to enjoy the new MBA lifestyle.
And we do "couch chat" as well, but since we've never owned a couch that allows us to lay down (love seat + laying = numb legs), we just lay in bed and chat. Favorite part of the day. TMI? Sorry.
Aw! I love hearing about your big kid. Every member of this family loves him too. We miss. Seriously, it's not ok that your gone. COME BACK!!!
Great post!
I don't do sad movies either. AT ALL. Period.
YAY for a visit from mom and adorable pic of B.
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