Thursday, April 24, 2008

cereal heaven

i work in downtown LA. this means that at least once a week, one of the streets around my office is closed down for movie/commercial/music video shoots. (just WAIT until hancock comes out -- did you see the preview last night during AI? -- i saw practically that whole movie get filmed.) most of the time i ignore it, though i will admit i look around to see if i recognize anyone (which i never do. tangent: we had an intern working with us for like three days and she saw america ferrara on her lunch break. i have worked here for a YEAR and a HALF and have seen no one).

so basically it never means much to me. but today as i was walking up to the office i saw a bunch of grocery store aisles randomly set up in pershing square. every shelf was filled with boxes and boxes of cereal! totally awesome. i couldn't tell if it was for a commercial (most likely) or what but i was really excited by the amount of cereal.

then, after lunch i had to leave for a meeting and they were filming random people milling about the aisles. i didn't have my digital camera sadly, but i was able to grab this with my camera phone. look closely and you can see the cameras under the light tent. good times. and let me know if you see an outdoor grocery store on tv any time soon :)

1 comment:

Angela and Mike said...

man, you have so many close encounters with stars and stardom. I will make sure to pay close attention to grocery food on commercials...