Saturday, April 26, 2008

near death experience

so yesterday brandon and i were walking to the train station. there is a whole bunch of construction around our street right now ONLY because they're installing weird black and coral concrete slabs in the sidewalk (apparently the good old painted lines on the street aren't good enough for pasadena) and the main road next to the train station is blocked off to only one lane.

a huge big rig got itself a little stuck trying to maneuver between the skinny lane and open trenches and was blocking part of the street, but when the light turned green and the little walking man popped up we started crossing anyway. at this same time some stupid lady decided to turn into the lane of the truck. we were about halfway across the crosswalk when i realized the truck had started to back up and the lady was still coming, but i kept walking. i'm a pedestrian for heaven's sake! when an out of control car slams my body across the street one day, i'll be saying "but i had the right of way!" the whole time.

and then i kept walking, even though i was about two feet from a HUGE sixteen wheeler truck that was most likely blindly backing up, and another three feet from a crazy lady determined to squeeze her way into the lane. i kind of hopped and squealed when i realized what was happening, and then darted across the remainder of the street leaving my dazed husband in the middle of the road wondering if he was about to witness his wife's death. basically this is a lesson to look both ways and to use your brain when you see crazy drivers around, because you WILL die if they decide to ignore you. EVEN if you have the right of way.

p.s. i've asked brandon about six times in the day since this experience "remember when i almost died?" FYI things like this work great when you need a little extra bargaining chip for deciding who gets to pick the dinner location, getting out of chores, picking what to watch on the DVR, etc. but i still wouldn't recommend it.


Angela and Mike said...

haha "remember when I almost died" I'll have to use that line with Mike to get my way. I'm glad you DIDN'T die though. Be safe!

Brandon and Erica said...

haha! So glad you're okay!! Geez. That's a good story to tell your kids. Actually, on second thought: don't tell them.