for someone who considers herself an american idol amateur, i am RIDICULOUSLY excited about season eight. my a.i. experience thus far consists of the season one finale, most of the second season and only the top 12 finalists of season seven. but i have repented of all that and i am now COMMITTED.
first of all i'd like to admit that i got a little choked up not once but TWICE on the premiere. the first time was that musical montage in the beginning...i mean, come on, great music and scenes of the past winners and fan favorites and everyone crying and cute kellie pickler jumping around and i lost it -- i was already super pumped for the premiere but that just made all my dreams come true. and then the blind guy! man, i love him already. new tears. and i despise everyone who has made fun of ryan seacrest in the past 24 hours for trying to give the blind guy a high five. i thought it was nice.
so far season eight has done a lot for me:
introduced a new girl crush (kara dioguardio is pretty AND she can sing...and i like her clothes),
taught me a new word (i've learned that any teenager semi-connected to a "grand-friend" WILL make it to hollywood -- the original grand-friend girl in AZ and tonight's grandmother guardian),
reminded me that i need to download david cook's album and
informed me that the greater kansas city area SERIOUSLY needs a dental plan. i've never seen so many yellow teeth and jacked up jaws in my life. and that's coming from a girl who wore headgear AND rubber bands.
also i would like to state that i hate girls who flaunt their bodies in orange bikinis. if that chick makes it into the top 24 i will not be happy.
i think i need to ease back into a.i....four hours in two days is a bit much for me. thank goodness for dvr and newly freed weekends now that college football season is over. long live american idol!
We will critque together my dear niece. I watched the end of Tues. nite and I did see the blind guy. Note that he is from AZ!!! I thought that he was good. I had to work on Wed. so I don't know what happened in KC. I sincerely appreciate your comments and I look foreward to discussing future shows with you--by the way, I do not like the bikini girl either but Melchor said that she was good.
I sadly missed the first night of AI b/c of the baby shower...and I don't have tivo/dvr :-( but I love the show and am glad you have repented!
I'm not for sure which girl you are talking about, but after watching last night I saw 2 different girls' haircuts that I would love..that show is good for a lot of reasons :-)
oh and fun seeing you too for the 2 minutes we talked :-) haha. luckily we will both be at doris's and dana's partay! and that'll be a fun one! ( i haven't even heard of the movie, but all the food...yum)
I am so glad you are watching this season. This is what will get me through until I have my baby, and then keep me sane once I HAVE my baby. It takes up 2 and then 3 nights week. Perfect :)
Yay for American Idol!
Great bullet points. I agree with them all!
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